this is a list of the biggest grievances from all the boys that i feel have wronged me in the past 5 years. i feel this is therapeutic. coincidentally, many of them overlap!
-that you never gave me the time of day
-that you never bothered to text me back
-that you wouldn't go to prom with me
-that you never saw my one act when i won best actress
-that you lied to me
-that you didn't want to be my boyfriend
-that you never wanted me to cut my hair
-that you humiliated me in front of all of my friends
-that you didn't want to hold my hand
-that you told me you loved me even though you were already dating my doppelgänger
-that you always made me feel stupid
-that i asked you to be my valentime, and you said no.
-that you made fun of my act score, dylan taylor. (this is the only grievance from him i can really think of.)
- that you acted like you liked me, and you kind of did, but really you didn't
-that you told me you would never like me
-that later that day you decided you did like me
-that you then got annoyed with me when i told you that i wasn't going to get my hopes up
-that you told me you didn't know if you liked me because you liked me, or because you just spent a lot of time with me.
-that thus you thought we should spend less time together.
-that the next week we went on a date, and then the next week you had a girlfriend
-that you told me we couldn't really be friends anymore
-that sometimes you hated my jokes
-that you never texted me back
-that you didn't want to hold my hand anymore
-that you never took me wakeboarding
-that you never took me to the zoo
-that you were really mean to me when we played mario kart
-that you probably lied to me a lot of times
-that you frequently made me feel stupid. even though i'm really smart.
-that you don't like 90% of my clothes
-that you hate that i love justin bieber
-that you think it's trashy of me to love mcdonalds
-that you think being a teacher is stupid
-that you would never give me the time of day
-if you don't find me endearing
alright! now imagine lighting this post with a match! ah. i feel better already.