Thursday, November 18, 2010

i am craving cupcakes

i have so many new things to blog about!! so first of all life is great right now because i'm sitting in my favorite spot in this entire library. and i'm really big on sitting in my spot, wherever that may be. i'd describe this particular spot but then i'd spend like an entire paragraph talking about all the specifics and turns out i don't think anyone really cares too much.

k secondly. lets take a second to talk about nail polish. because i love to have my nails painted but seriously the color only fully lasts on all the nails for about 4 days. MAYBE five. but then i see all these girls with their perfectly painted nails and i'm like do you re-do your nails every five days? (who has time for that???) or do you just have this great secret so that your nails are always painted? and then i love to peel off the polish and then like 1 or 2 of my nails have zero polish on them and it looks gay. also even after my nails have been drying for TWO HOURS and i go to bed i still wake up with smudges all over that. what the freak is up with that. clearly this is a serious issue in my life. (but really, it is.)

its also a good day because i swear i almost ALWAYS end up sitting next to this terrible girl in new testament (and i'm like always on her right) and when she takes notes she jabs her bony little elbow all over my arms and ribs! like whats wrong with you? keep your elbows to yourself. almost every tuesday and thursday at noon i want to set that girl on fire.

also tonight at midnight is harry potter! holla. cept my cape and wand and gryffindor scarf are all in tejas so really i'm bummed about that. i remember two summers ago when i saw the 6th one at midnight. it was like me, marcos, josh, max, cameron, and mariana. so fun. were me and mariana the only girls there? perhaps. that happened a lot. speaking of mariana this is a pic of hello kitty i drew for her on paint.
uh shya. you should be impressed. when i was like 6 i got this giant hello kitty pillow thing? i don't know hard to describe but i loved that thing so much and i would always twirl the bow and eventually it tore off. that was a very sad day. don't ask why i drew this because i do not remember. i was like 17.

next. those of you who know me well know that i have always been obsessed with elizabeth smart. the girl is fascinating!! i remember when i was 12 and she was snatched and i remember when they found her! and people are all oh laura you're such a creep and i'm like well yeah i've never said i'm not. but for like 3 hours last night i was reading the transcript from her trial like last week and let me tell you the girl is fascinating. and i'm like still nowhere near done. it takes a lot of dedication to keep up with this habit of mine. but yeah i just can't imagine how you even attempt to start living a "normal life" after being what she's been through. and then to go on a mission? the girl is amazing.

alright. to visually spice up my last comments we're doing a font change. alright, attention all girls who wear like flare cut jeans and tennis shoes: STOP IT!!! we all hate you. or at least we're all judging you. or at least i'm judging  you. that being said, i'm sure you're all lovely people. so either get some new shoes or get some new pants. seriously its time. 

also, turns out i think i write too much in these ol posts. but seeing as how i've always been one to both talk and write too much i'm not gonna stop doing it now! 

blogz r cool. 


  1. This is great stuff! I particularly like the fact that you added our song to your playlist! :)

  2. i still have that paint picture :)

  3. oh yay!! i just remember thinking well mariana likes hello kitty and i like hello kitty and i like mariana so i'm gonna draw it!!
